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Electrical wire Testing and Inspection, Contracting, Compliance & Reporting in Peterborough

Reliable Electrical Contractor in Peterborough

Our trained specialists serve the Peterborough area.

We cover all your testing needs:

  • Fire Alarm Testing
  • EICR Testing (Fixed Wire, Periodic Testing & Landlord’s Reports) Electrical Testing and Inspection near you.
  • Emergency lighting testing.
  • PAT Testing.
  • Thermography Testing.
  • Inspection and Testing.

All options come with a detailed report.

EICR Electrical Istallation Conditioning Report Fuse boards are the heart of any household's safety protection system, modern systems provide major improvements over simple fuse wire. Call us today to upgrade your Fuse boards we operate in Ramsy, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire and Milton Keynes.

Our Accreditations

Approved Electric wire testing, inspection and Contracting services.

We are fully certified and accredited domestic, commercial and industrial electrical contractors covering Peterborough, Milton Keynes, Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire.

With a strong focus on continual team and personal development we thrive on delivering exceptional quality that not only meets the standard regulation and requirements – we exceed them – that’s guaranteed!

Emergency Lighting

Our electrical wire testing services will give you peace of mind that your electrical installation is safe and compliant with current legislation.

Emergency lighting is a life safety system.

EV Charger Installation

Due to the increase in popularity of electric cars, we have become fully authorised and approved by the Government for both EVHS and WCS Installations.

Fire Alarm Testing

Making sure that your fire alarm system is in working condition which not only gives you peace of mind but ensures your safety.

Portable Appliance Testing (PAT)

Portable appliances testing is relied upon more and more these days and making sure they are safe to use in your workplace is essential for your safety.

We use Seaward pat testers to ensure complaint inspections.

Now Called EET.

Thermography Testing

Thermal surveys (Infrared) identify faults in seconds which can reduce costs of fixing any electrical installation that is needed.

Thermography inspections are a very useful tool to reduce industry down time, but they cannot replace a proper elctrical wire testing service.

Electrical wire testing, EICR

Electrical Wire Testing reports are important to identify what remedial work is needed to make sure you stay up-to-date with regulations and keep occupants safe.

Our Clients Include...

Contact Details

We operate in and around Ramsey, Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and Milton Keynes areas, so why not get in touch via one of the options below:

Call Us On: 07957-432-981
Email Us Via:

Or Use our contact form and we will be in touch as soon as possible.

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