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UK January Covid-19 Lockdown must I still get my Compliance Done.

Look on the bright side this is the best time to get your Compliance sorted and…

UK January Covid-19 Lockdown must I still get my Compliance Done.

Look on the bright side, this is the best time to get your Electrical Compliance done.

I keep getting phone calls from potential customers trying to see if they can get away with not doing their Due diligence in their workplaces even their home businesses and HMOs and Rentals and blaming it on COVID-19, the answer is NO.

Tthe simple answer is NO, you must do your Electrical, Fire, EM, EET compliance certification on time.

You have a Duty of care under the Electricity at Works Act the EAWR 1989, PUWER, BS5839-1, BS 5839-6, BS 5266 Etc.

If you rent properties even one, you’re a business and so many other acts and BS codes for which HSE and a Judge will just hold you accountable, ignorance of the LAW is no excuse under English LAW period you must get your compliance done.

Failure to meet the required Compliances for your business will and does lead to fines in the tens of thousands for small and large businesses.

What we do as an Essential worker organisation is keep you compliant, take the headache away from you, and do everything possible at the same time.

So, for Peace of mind just give us a call it costs nothing to talk! But potentially thousands to get it wrong.

So, give us a call at 07957-432-981 for peace of mind and talk to us about getting the following sorted.

EICR (5 Yearly) business or less depending on the validity of your installation.

Home Rental (5-yearly) or less depending on the validity of your installation.

Bi-Annual Fire Alarm Inspections, and Monthly tests. for Type 1 Fire Alarms to BS 5839-1:2017

Annual Fire alarm inspections to BS 5839-6

Emergency Lighting (Annual and Monthly Checks)

Appliance Testing, (Now known as EET), also (now Requiring The duty holder to produce their risk assessments for 01-09-2020)


Start the year the right way and get us to take away your Compliance headaches.